Parthena Zoi
Parthena Zoi is a "story about a virgin girl who accidentally got pregnant by clumsy gynecology that mistakenly should put the invitro to one couple but the gynaecologist put it in to the girl instead." - IMDb
It is a Greek adaption of Juana la Virgen and Jane the Virgin that came out this year and I think it looks very interesting.
If anyone knows of an English dub please let me know! I'd love to watch it and add some pages about it in the wiki!
Sin Rostro
When do you guys think we'll see more of Sin Rostro . I think she's going to get out of prison at some point.
How Does This Work?
Can someone explain to me how this blog post thing works?
EDIT: This blog is so cool! I think I'm going to try to start it up again.